Anita Soukizy.

“Dreams are necessary to life”

I currently work as a music critic, photographer and filmmaker. Words, images and music are my breath and my tools to seek and – actually – find beauty. Beauty as communication, connection, community, growth, passion, challenge. Just as I am always changing, these tools are constantly changing as well. In this circle, all the elements connects kindred spirits; I always learn something from the people I meet and try to give something back to them.

It’s a whole and each moment inspires me and allows me to explore myself more deeply.

Soukizy comes from an old premonitory dream. It took me years to find its meaning. My work encompasses it. Anais Nin once wrote “Dreams are necessary to life”. I strongly believe that.

Over the years, I have interviewed hundreds of people from the world of music and I’ve taken uncountable pictures in the world of arts and many other areas.

I’m based in Milan and I’m available worldwide. If you want to get in touch with me for samples of my work and collaboration proposals for feature, interviews or pictures, you can drop me a line at